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Thread: An update on the nappy cob...

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    An update on the nappy cob...

    As promised, an update on how yesterday went.
    Was exactly the same as the day before really, it's the bend that does it. When you turn right out of my yard (which is the only way you can go really as left just goes to the main road) there is a pretty nasty blind bend in the road that does Ben's head in. I'm sure if the road was straight then we wouldn't have much of a problem. The fact that in the garden on the bend there are all sorts of ducks and geese that make funny noises doesn't help, as this just gives Bentley another excuse as to why he shouldn't go down the scary road. He tried the backing up trick again so I put a command to it and told him to back up. I eventually got off and led him down the road. Unfortunately it's completely impossible to do a circular route so I just had to go into random driveways and try to do as wider U-turn as possible. We headed for home and I led him past the yard and down the road a bit more (so he learns that he won't just be going straight home all the time), went up a little path, got on, and rode him back home.
    A neighbour saw us struggling and tried to help- he said that it's obvious to him that Ben just thinks he's the boss and can therefore get away with whatever he wants. It's true. I simply haven't been firm enough with him on the ground, and our ridden work echoes that. From now on, if he goes to eat the grass when I'm trying to get on, he's not going to eat the grass, I'm not just going to let him as it's the easy way out. If he doesn't walk on in hand as soon as I tell him, he's going to get a firm tap with the whip and he is going to walk on. If I want to go one way, we're going that way, whether he likes it or not. Simples.

    More of a musing than an update but there you go. I'm doing some work experience in France from tomorrow so I won't be able to ride him for a week, but next Sunday I've got a hack out the road planned with another girl from the yard, which will hopefully in still some more confidence in the cob. I'm going to try and get him to lead, hopefully he will as he can see the other horse behind him. Oh, and we're hopefully doing our first ever ridden show at the end of August- will have to do a bit of schooling before then! Fingers crossed he'll behave himself but it's all for the experience so we'll see.
    If you got this far, well done!

    ETA: Just read this back and realised how much I said hopefully
    Last edited by FlaxenPony05; 19-07-2013 at 10:25 AM.

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