I think decision is almost made, but would be interested in your thoughts.

Titch is aptly named, i.e. he's about 13hh. He doesn't have any withers and is definitely a leg at each corner coblette. However does have quite a decent barrel on him.

D1 and I are both about 5'8" and quite long legged, which is going to make for interesting saddle fitting on a short-backed ned.

A friend suggested that he's never going to be big enough for us so we should consider selling him without having him backed. He's due to go for backing at the end of May, with to date just having had a saddle on, a rider, bitted, walked around. I did have a go at long reining but it didn't go well and then I couldn't stop laughing, which didn't help.

For completeness I had to add that I love the lad. He's a blinking cheeky chappie who doesn't have a bad bone in his body. I think he'll enjoy a working life and that he'll be quite forward going.

So folks, what would you do with the Titch? Sell as is, back and sell, or keep and find a way of having a hoot with him?