So we have two new horses coming, one this Saturday and one next Wednesday. Both are existing liveries not new people.
So we are having a rearrange of fields. Currently we have the big field split in half and a small field. The small field herd isn't involved in this.

I got told the other day that the other liveries want to put all the horses that are in the big field into one herd.... Apart from Jimmy. They do not want Jimmy in with theirs. So they asked if I'd be ok with having the top end of the field for my two (move the electric fence) and they have the herd.
I didn't kick up a fuss, I know they think Jimmy is the devil, and I know he isn't. So I agreed it was fine. Anything for a quiet life.

Today, I was in the Hay room and heard a conversation and I am fuming!!!
She was like "if it wasn't for Jimmy, we could take the fence down and just have the full field for a herd"
"she can have a section at the top for hers"
And then she said this, and it took all my power not to go and yell at her. "Jimmy can go in the area with roo. He can kick her and do whatever he likes and not touch ours"
Firstly Jimmy would never hurt roo!!! And secondly how bloody dare she!!! After all me and roo have been through, what we really need is another injury for her???!!!!!! Gahhh I'm furious!