Today was our village fate and family dog show and I thought it would be fun to take the little fella along.
He did loads of dog shows when he was a puppy and realy enjoyed it.
We had a realy nice walk down to the village hall.
I had allowed alot more time than was needed to get there so we had a mooch round the fate before the dog show started.
Our first class was handsomest dog it was a big class and sadly we didn't get placed.
We had a little wait for our next class so we went and had a go at the fun agilty.
Charlie loved it and we flew round in 35seconds. Everyone was impressed and said it was a fast time.
Our next show class was best six legs. Charlie strutted his stuff but I think my legs let him down as we didn't get placed in that class either
I popped back to the agilty and saw someone had beatern my time They had done it in 28seconds so we had another go and got our time down to 30seconds.
Our next class was waggyest tail. Lots of spanels in the class so didn't expect to get placed but we came 4th in that class
Still not being able to let the agility go we then had another go and got our time down to 29seconds. Still not enough but then the guy running it pointed out Charlie was jumping the jumps at full hight (bigger than him) The dog that was beating us (although bigger than charlie) had had the jumps put down. They were calling my next class but he told me to come back after and I could try again with the jumps lowered.
our next class was best trick. Most of the other dogs got stage fright and refused to perform but not my amazing little dog he didn't let me down and we won that class for his sit, lie down, roll over, highfive combo trick
Then we went back to the agility to give it one last go with the jumps lowered. Charlie flew round in a time of 27seconds
We went in for the best in show class and at the start they announced Charlie as the winner of the agility, we got a meddle and a lovely purple rosette
we didn't get placed in the best in show class but that doesn't bother me I know he was the best dog there
The little fella and I had so much fun this afternoon and charlie made loads of doggy friends and got lots of attention and fuss from everyone there. We were both very happy on the walk home