So due to house move etc I will be taking on a new loan pony in January, now without over explaining pony will be very much mine to do as much or as little as I want with.

Pony is 6, professionally backed, goes sweetly ridden, nice inhand etc. Plan is to do some home schooling and look into having a bash at some local dressage compitions, maybe small WH classes, nothing too strenuous.

However due to work reasons I am not going to be available for the last 12 weeks of 2018, I am also going to be uncontactable.

Would it be insane to teach OH how to lunge pony nicely with a bowling rein so all fitness isn't lost? OH isn't necessarily 'horsey' but has learnt to tack up/recognise tack/tack check for MGA and often will walk current loan pony off for me after a schooling session, so I have no doubts about his capabilities.

Does this sound crazy? Or may it just work?