I do want to ride but I don't want to have to ride if that makes sense. I would like to compete but my diary is already jam packed do there are only going to be a few opportunities. There are two dressage comps I'd like to do with Charlie so far and also a fun ride or two. Unless Missi is in full time, fairly hard work I wouldn't feel confident enough to compete her - Charlie is quite easy as as long as he's fit enough it doesn't matter how much work he gets in the run up to an outing. I wouldn't be able to jump Charlie much but I could cope with that.

My worry with just having Charlie is that I'll ask too much of him and he'll break.

Would be happy having a sharer as it would take the pressure off and give me someone to ride with BUT I don't know how easy it would be to find one!

Don't want to make any rash decisions about job but it is something I need to consider soon.